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Business Clients > Overseas Contracting
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If you are an individual contracting abroad you may find you are paid in one currency and have commitments in another. Carrying out regular foreign exchange conversions to your domestic currency can take a hefty slice out of your salary, add to this bank charges and you may find yourself with substantially less money to play with. This is where Currency Today can help.

Currency Today deals directly with the foreign currency markets meaning we can offer unbeatable foreign exchange rates. Not only are our exchange rates unbeatable we won’t charge you a penny for sending money back home unlike the banks.

If you find your stay lengthening overseas you may be interested in taking up one of the forward contracts we have on offer. Forward contracts all you to fix the rate of exchange on a foreign currency payment for up to one year in advance, this protects you from monthly currency fluctuations and means you’ll know exactly how much you are paid every month.

Why not contact us today and make your overseas contract that little bit more predictable.

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